Hoë yster in die bloed toets vir vroue. What does high iron level in blood mean for female?

Upper limit of total serum iron test (TSI) for female is 170µg/dL (or 30.4 μmol/L).

Dangerously high levels of iron can occur as the result of multiple blood transfusions, iron injections, lead poisoning, liver disease, or kidney disease. It can also be due to the genetic disease hemochromatosis, which causes a person's body to absorb too much iron.

High iron in the blood can be treated to make you more comfortable, but hemochromatosis is typically genetic in origin-so the disease will not go away. The patients are often treated by removing blood from the body periodically to induce mild anemia.



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Totale serum yster (TSI) waardes en definisies

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