Hoë aspartaat transminase (ast / ASAT SGOT) bloedtoets vlak vroue. What does high Aspartate transaminase (AST/ASAT SGOT) blood test level mean for female?
AST is found in the liver, heart, skeletal muscle, kidneys, brain, and red blood cells. It is a marker for liver health.
Although primarily associated with liver problems, AST may be elevated in diseases affecting other organs such as myocardial infarction, acute pancreatitis, acute hemolytic anemia, severe burns, trauma, acute renal disease and musculoskeletal diseases.
Hoë aspartaat transminase (ast / ASAT SGOT) bloedtoets vlak vir manlike
Lae aspartaat transminase (ast / ASAT SGOT) bloedtoets vlak vir manlike
Lae aspartaat transminase (ast / ASAT SGOT) bloedtoets vlak vir vroulike
Aspartaat transaminase (AST / ASAT), SGOT waardes en definisies
Hoë alkaliese fosfatase (alp) bloedtoets vlak vroulike
What does high Alkaline phosphatase (ALP) blood test level mean for woman?
Lae ceruplasmin bloedtoets vlak
What does lower than normal ceruplasmin test level mean?
Lae fosfaat bloedtoets vlak
What does lower than normal phosphate blood test level mean?
Hoë 25-hydroxycholecalciferol (vitamien d) toetsuitslag referent waardes
What does high 25-hydroxycholecalciferol (vitamin D) test result referent values level mean?
Hoë laktaat (veneuse) toetsuitslag referent waardes
What does high Lactate (Venous) test result referent values level mean?
Lae follicule-stimulatinghormone (FSH) toetsuitslag referent waardes vir volwasse man
Wat beteken lae follikel-stimulatinghormone (FSH) toetsuitslag referent waardes vir volwasse manlike vlak beteken?
Hoë anti ds-DNA toetsuitslag negatief referent waardes
What does high Anti ds-DNA test result negative referent values level mean?
Lae Mononukleêre leukosiete (limfosiete + monosiete) toetsuitslag referent waardes vir volwasse
What does low Mononuclear leukocytes (Lymphocytes + monocytes) test result referent values for adult level mean?
Hoë oestradiol toetsuitslag referent waardes vir vroulike in follikulêre fase
What does high estradiol test result referent values for female in follicular phase level mean?
Lae antistreptolysin o titer (asot) toetsuitslag positief referent waardes vir skool
What does low Antistreptolysin O titre (ASOT) test result positive referent values for school level mean?
Hoë osmolaliteit toetsuitslag referent waardes
What does high Osmolality test result referent values level mean?
Lae bolla / kreatien verhouding toetsuitslag referent waardes
What does low BUN/Creatine Ratio test result referent values level mean?
oorblywende Aspartaat transaminase (AST / ASAT), SGOT verwante toetse :
totale proteïen
totale Bilirubien
Direkte / Gekonjugeerde Bilirubien
Alanien transaminase (ALT / Alat), SGPT
Alkaliese fosfatase (ALP)
Gamma glutamiel transferase (GGT)