Abnormale alfa fetoproteïen (AFP) toetsuitslag. What is a value of a abnormal Alpha Fetoprotein (AFP) level?
AFP test performed on serum are categorized by the reason for performing the test: maternal serum, adult tumor marker, and pediatric tumor marker.
Abnormally elevated AFP in the serum of a pregnant woman can indicate a normally elevated AFP in the fetus or woman, problem with the fetus, with the placenta or tumor or liver disease in the woman.
In patients with AFP-secreting tumors, serum levels of AFP often correspond with tumor size.
Normale alfa fetoproteïen (AFP) toetsuitslag
Alpha fetoproteïen (AFP) waardes en definisies
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oorblywende Alpha fetoproteïen (AFP) verwante toetse :
Beta menslike chorioniese gonadotropien (bHCG)
Carcinoembryonic antigeen (CEA)
Prostaat spesifieke antigeen (PSA)