Hoë ammoniak bloedtoets vlak. What does higher than normal ammonia test level mean?
An ammonia test measures the amount of ammonia in the blood. Most ammonia in the body forms when protein is broken down by bacteria in the intestines. The ammonia is normally converted into urea by the liver. Urea is then eliminated in urine.
Ammonia levels in the blood are higher than normal when the liver is not able to convert ammonia to urea. This may be a sign of cirrhosis or severe hepatitis.
Lae ammoniak bloedtoets vlak
ammoniak waardes en definisies
Hoë yster in die bloed toets vir vroue
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Lae volle bloedglukose (vas) toetsuitslag referent waardes
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Lae SHBG toetsuitslag referent waardes vir vroulike volwassenes
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What does high luteinizing hormone (LH) test result referent values for adult female level mean?
Hoë totale proteïen bloedtoets vlak
What does high total protein in blood mean?
Lae trigliseriede toetsuitslag vir ouer mense
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Hoë HDL cholesterol wanneer trigliseriede> 5.0 mmol / l toetsuitslag
What does higher HDL cholesterol when triglycerides >5.0 mmol/L test level mean?
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Hoë anti-fosfolipied LGG toetsuitslag negatief referent waardes
What does high Anti-phospholipid lgG test result negative referent values level mean?
oorblywende ammoniak verwante toetse :
Natrium (Na)
Kalium (K)
Chloried (Cl)
Geïoniseerde kalsium (Ca)
Totale kalsium (Ca)
Totale serum yster (TSI)
Totale yster-bindende kapasiteit (TIBC)
transferrien versadigingspunt
Fosfaat (HPO42-)
Anorganiese fosfor (serum)
Sink (Zn)