Lae gamma (GGT) bloedtoets vlak. What does low Gamma glutamyl transferase (GGT) blood test level mean?
GGT is an enzyme which transfers gamma-glutamyl functional groups. It can be found in the kidneys, bile duct, pancreas, gallbladder, spleen, heart and brain, but is commonly associated with the liver.
Although low GGT levels are considered normal, very low level could indicate alcohol abuse, bone disease or bile duct obstructions.
Hoë gamma (GGT) bloedtoets vlak
Gamma glutamiel transferase (GGT) waardes en definisies
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Lae transferrin toetsuitslag
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Lae perinuclear anti-neutrofiele sitoplasmiese teenliggaampies (p-Anca) toetsuitslag negatief referent waardes
What does low Perinuclear anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic antibodies (p-ANCA) test result negative referent values level mean?
Hoë sitoplasmiese / klassieke anti-neutrofiele sitoplasmiese teenliggaampies (c-Anca) toetsuitslag negatief referent waardes
What does high Cytoplasmic/classical anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic antibodies (c-ANCA) test result negative referent values level mean?
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Normale ca-125 toetsuitslag
What is a value of a normal CA-125 level?
oorblywende Gamma glutamiel transferase (GGT) verwante toetse :
totale proteïen
totale Bilirubien
Direkte / Gekonjugeerde Bilirubien
Alanien transaminase (ALT / Alat), SGPT
Aspartaat transaminase (AST / ASAT), SGOT
Alkaliese fosfatase (ALP)