Lae kalium in die bloed. what does hypokalemia mean?

Lower limit of potassium (k) test (na) (normal referent values) is 3.5 mmol/L (or 14 mg/dl).

Hypokalemia can result from two general causes: either from an overall depletion in the body's potassium or from excessive uptake of potassium by muscle from surrounding fluids. Hypokalemia is most commonly caused by the use of diuretics.

Hypokalemia is not a concern for healthy persons, since potassium is present in a great variety of foods. For patients taking diuretics, however, the American Dietetic Association recommends use of a high potassium diet. The American Dietetic Association states that if hypokalemia has already occurred, use of the high potassium diet alone may not reverse hypokalemia.

Useful components of a high potassium diet include bananas, tomatoes, cantaloupes, figs, raisins, kidney beans, potatoes, and milk.

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3.5   -
14   -

Hoë kalium in bloedtoets

Kalium (K) waardes en definisies

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