Hoë globuliene bloedtoets vlak. What does high globulins level in blood mean?
Globulins are a group of proteins in the blood stream. They help to regulate the function of the circulatory system.
High globulin levels could be a sign of chronic inflammatory disease (TB or Syphilis). It could also be an indicator of bone marrow disorders (multiple myeloma) or liver diseases, as well as obstructive jaundice.
Lae globulibns bloedtoets vlak
globuliene waardes en definisies
Hoë follicule-stimulatinghormone (FSH) toetsuitslag referent waardes vir vroulike in follikulêre fase
What does high follicle-stimulatinghormone (FSH)test result referent values for female in follicular phase level mean?
Lae sitoplasmiese / klassieke anti-neutrofiele sitoplasmiese teenliggaampies (c-Anca) toetsuitslag positief referent waardes
What does low Cytoplasmic/classical anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic antibodies (c-ANCA) test result positive referent values level mean?
Hoë h + toetsvlak
Wat beteken hoër as die normale H + toetsvlak beteken?
Hoë erytrocytes / rooibloedselle (RBS) toetsuitslag referent waardes vir manlike volwassene
Wat beteken hoë Eritrosiete / Rooibloedselle (RBC) toetsuitslag referent waardes vir manlike volwasse vlak beteken?
Lae LGM toetsuitslag referent waardes vir volwassenes
What does low lgM test result referent values for adults level mean?
Hoë anti-fosfolipied LGM toetsuitslag matige positiewe referent waardes
What does high Anti-phospholipid lgM test result moderate positive referent values level mean?
Abnormale nt-probnp toetsuitslag vir persoon ouer as 75 jaar
What is a value of a abnormal NT-proBNP level for older people?
Lae kalium in die bloed
what does hypokalemia mean?
Hoë groei hormoon (arginine stimulasie) toetsuitslag referent waardes
What does high growth hormone (arginine stimulation)test result referent values level mean?
Ystertekort in bloed toets vir vroue
What does low iron level in blood mean for female?
Hoë alfa 1-antitripsien (att) toetsuitslag referent waardes
What does high Alpha 1-antitrypsin (AAT) test result referent values level mean?
Hoë oestradiol toetsuitslag referent waardes vir vroulike in post-menopousale
What does high estradiol test result referent values for female in post-menopausal level mean?
oorblywende globuliene verwante toetse :
totale proteïen
totale Bilirubien
Direkte / Gekonjugeerde Bilirubien
Alanien transaminase (ALT / Alat), SGPT
Aspartaat transaminase (AST / ASAT), SGOT
Alkaliese fosfatase (ALP)
Gamma glutamiel transferase (GGT)