Brein natriuretiese peptied (BBP) toets, normale gevolg. What is normal Brain natriuretic peptide (BNP) test result?

Upper limit of normal for Brain natriuretic peptide (BNP) test is less than 100pg/ml or μg/L.

BNP levels in the blood raise when heart failure symptoms worsen, and decrease when the heart failure condition is stable. The test is able to detect heart failure in 80% of cases.

This result of BNP test indicates that congestive heart failure is unlikely

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Kongestiewe hartversaking onwaarskynlik

Brein natriuretiese peptied (BBP) te toets, dubbelsinnige gevolg

Kongestiewe hartversaking waarskynlik brein natriuretiese peptied (BBP) toetsuitslag

Brein natriuretiese peptied (BBP) waardes en definisies

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