Hoë sink bloedtoets vlak. What does higher than normal zinc test level mean?
Zinc is a mineral important for wound healing, immune function, normal taste and smell. It is also needed for DNA synthesis. Zinc supports normal growth and development during pregnancy, childhood, and adolescence. Excessive quantities of zinc intake may lead to both acute and chronic toxicity.
Zinc toxicity usually presents with the features of copper deficiency.
Lae sink bloedtoets vlak
Sink (Zn) waardes en definisies
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Hoë sink bloedtoets vlak
What does higher than normal zinc test level mean?
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oorblywende Sink (Zn) verwante toetse :
Natrium (Na)
Kalium (K)
Chloried (Cl)
Geïoniseerde kalsium (Ca)
Totale kalsium (Ca)
Totale serum yster (TSI)
Totale yster-bindende kapasiteit (TIBC)
transferrien versadigingspunt
Fosfaat (HPO42-)
Anorganiese fosfor (serum)