Hoë basis oortollige bloed toetsvlak. What does higher than normal base escess test level mean?
The base excess test results show the amount of base present in the blood. The higher than normal results indicate the state of metabolic alkalosis.
Metabolic alkalosis usually involves an excess of bicarbonate. This can be caused by excessive loss of HCl in gastric juice by vomiting, compensation for primary respiratory acidosis or renal overproduction of bicarbonate.
Lae basis oortollige bloed toetsvlak
Base oortollige waardes en definisies
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Lae suurstof saturasie toetsvlak
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oorblywende Base oortollige verwante toetse :
H +
Suurstof gedeeltelike druk (Po2)
Koolstofdioksied gedeeltelike druk (PCO2)
Koeksoda (HCO3-)
Standard koeksoda (SBCe)