Hoë koolstofdioksied parsiële druk (PCO2) toetsvlak. What does high carbon dioxide partial pressure (PCO2) mean?

Upper value of carbon dioxide partial pressure (pco2) test is 45mmHg (or 51 mmHg).

Partial pressure of carbon dioxide is the measurement of amount of carbon dioxide in arterial blood. State of higher than normal level is called hypercapnia.

Hypercapnia is caused by hypoventilation, lung disease, or diminished consciousness. Symptoms are tachypnea, dyspnea, lushed skin, full pulse, extrasystoles, muscle twitches, hand flaps and possibly a raised blood pressure

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Lae koolstofdioksied parsiële druk (PCO2) toetsvlak

Koolstofdioksied gedeeltelike druk (PCO2) waardes en definisies

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