Conjugated niveli i ulët i drejtpërdrejtë / test i gjakut bilirubin. What does low direct/conjugated bilirubin level signalize?

Lowest value of normal direct/conjugated bilirubin test is 0μmol/L.

Bilirubin is produced when the liver breaks down old red blood cells. Bilirubin is then removed from the body through the stool and gives stool its normal brown color.

Low conjugated bilirubin levels will also most likely result in low total bilirubin. Low bilirubin levels are usually not a cause for concern. This levels are usually caused by medicines that decreases bilirubin levels (vitamin C, phenobarbital and theophylline).

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Conjugated Niveli i lartë i drejtpërdrejtë / test i gjakut bilirubin

Direct / Conjugated Bilirubina Vlerat dhe përkufizimet

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