Alta triiodotironina libera (FT3) risultati della prova valori referenti per i bambini. What does high free triiodothyronine (FT3) test result referent values for children level mean?

Upper limit of normal free triiodothyronine (FT3) test result referent values for children is 0.6 (ng/dl) - 9.2 (pmol/L).

Higher-than-normal levels of T3 may be a sign of overactive thyroid gland,T3 thyrotoxicosis (rare), toxic nodular goiter

Free portion of triiodothyronine (free T3) is believed to be responsible for the biological action, the concentrations of the carrier proteins are altered in many clinical conditions, such as pregnancy.



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Basse triiodotironina libera (FT3) risultati della prova valori referenti per adulti

Alta triiodotironina libera (FT3) risultati della prova valori referenti per adulti

Basse triiodotironina libera (FT3) risultati della prova valori referenti per i bambini

Triiodotironina libera (FT3) valori e definizioni

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