Bassa creatina chinasi femminile (ck) livello di test del sangue. What does Creatine kinase (CK) deficiency mean for woman?

Lower value of normal creatine kinase (CK) test for female is 24U/L (or 0.17µkat/L).

Creatine kinase is an enzyme present in all the muscles of the female body. CK is a catalyst in the energy conversion process.

Low CK levels are a healthier results than the elevated ones. They are usually result of muscle damage or strain. To raise CK level, woman should increase intake of foods like salmon and lean meats.



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24   -
0.17   -

Elevata creatin chinasi maschile (ck) livello di test del sangue

Bassa creatina chinasi maschile (ck) livello di test del sangue

Elevata creatin chinasi femminile (ck) livello di test del sangue

Creatina chinasi (CK) valori e definizioni

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