HIGH TOTAL CALCIUM TEST. What does high calcium or hypercalcemia in blood means?
The main causes of hypercalcemia are primary hyperparathyroidism, malignant disease, and chronic renal failure. The differential diagnosis of hypercalcemia depends on the clinical setting.
Overall, primary hyperparathyroidism and malignancy account for 80 – 90% of hypercalcemia cases.
Total calcium (Ca) values and definitions
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LOW ANTI-PHOSPHOLIPID LGA TEST RESULT MODERATE POSITIVE REFERENT VALUES What does low Anti-phospholipid lgA test result moderate positive referent values level mean?
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ABNORMAL CA19-9 TEST RESULT What does elvated CA19-9 level idicate?
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TROPONIN-I TEST, NORMAL RESULT What is normal Troponin-I test result?