HYPOCHLOREMIA. what does low chloride mean in a blood test?

Lower limit of chloride (cl) test is 95 mmol/L (or 340 mg/dl).

Causes of low chloride in blood test or hypochloremia may include loss of body fluids from prolonged vomiting, diarrhea, sweating or high fevers. Causes may also include drugs such as: bicarbonate, corticosteroids, diuretics, and laxatives.

Many people do not notice any symptoms, unless they are experiencing very high or very low levels of chloride in their blood. Dehydration, fluid loss, or high levels of blood sodium may be noted or other forms of fluid loss, such as diarrhea, or vomiting.

Lower limit:
| Upper limit:
95   -
340   -


Chloride (Cl) values and definitions

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