LOW VITAMIN B9 (FOLIC ACID/FOLATE)-RED BLOOD CELLS TEST RESULT REFERENT VALUES. What does low Vitamin B9 (Folic acid/Folate) - Red blood cells test result referent values level mean?

Lower limit of normal Vitamin B9 (Folic acid/Folate) - Red blood cells test result referent values is 200(ng/mL )- 450 (nmol/L).

Folic acid also works closely with vitamin B12 to help make red blood cells and help iron work properly in the body

Need is to synthesize normal red blood cells, regulate hormones and ensure faithful replication and synthesis of DNA and RNA.

Lower limit:
| Upper limit:
200   -
450   -


Vitamin B9 (Folic acid/Folate) - Red blood cells values and definitions

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