Abnormale prostaat spesifieke antigeen (PSA) vir manlike toetsuitslag. What does elevated value of Prostate specific antigen (PSA) indicate?

Lower value of abnormal Prostate specific antigen (PSA) test for male is 2.5μg/L.

PSA is produced for the ejaculate. It liquefies semen in the seminal coagulum and allows sperm to swim freely. PSA is present in small quantities in the serum of men with healthy prostates.

PSA is elevated in the presence of prostate cancer or other prostate disorders. PSA has a high rate of false positive (only 30 percent of patients who have high PSA level are cancer prostate positive after biopsy). PSA is not a unique indicator of prostate cancer.



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Normale prostaat spesifieke antigeen (PSA) vir manlike toetsuitslag

Prostaat spesifieke antigeen (PSA) waardes en definisies

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