Hoë direkte / gekonjugeerde bilirubien bloedtoets vlak. What does high direct/conjugated bilirubin level in blood mean?

Upper value of direct/conjugated bilirubin test is 7μmol/L (or 0.4mg/dL).

Bilirubin is produced when the liver breaks down old red blood cells. Bilirubin is then removed from the body through the stool and gives stool its normal brown color.

Elevated conjugated bilirubin will also most likely result in elevated total bilirubin. When total bilirubin levels are high, the skin and whites of the eyes may appear yellow, which is a sign of jaundice. This can be a cause of a blood disorder or liver disease.

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Lae direkte / gekonjugeerde bilirubien bloedtoets vlak

Direkte / Gekonjugeerde Bilirubien waardes en definisies

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