Hoë gemiddelde plaatjie volume (MPV) toetsuitslag referent waardes. What does high Mean platelet volume (MPV) test result referent values flevel mean?

Upper limit of normal Mean platelet volume (MPV) test result referent values is 10(fL)-4(fL).

A high mean platelet volume is an indication that something is causing the destruction of the platelets or that the production of the platelets is increased.

A high mean platelet volume also means that the blood will clot faster, which can lead to thrombosis and stroke. Leukemia and idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura can both cause an increase in the mean platelet volume.

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Lae gemiddelde plaatjie volume (MPV) toetsuitslag referent waardes

Beteken plaatjie volume (MPV) waardes en definisies

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