Insufficienza cardiaca congestizia probabile peptide natriuretico cerebrale (BNP) risultato del test. What is value of diagnose Congestive heart failure likely for Brain natriuretic peptide (BNP) test result?

Congestive heart failure likely test result for Brain natriuretic peptide (BNP) is over 500pg/ml or μg/L.

BNP levels in the blood raise when heart failure symptoms worsen, and decrease when the heart failure condition is stable. The test is able to detect heart failure in 80% of cases.

This result of BNP test indicates the state of high chance of Congestive heart failure.

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Insufficienza cardiaca congestizia probabile

Peptide natriuretico cerebrale (BNP) di prova, risultato normale

Peptide natriuretico cerebrale (BNP) di prova, risultato dubbio

Peptide natriuretico cerebrale (BNP) valori e definizioni

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