Hoë follicule-stimulatinghormone (FSH) toetsuitslag referent waardes vir vroulike in post-menopousale. What does high follicle-stimulatinghormone (FSH)test result referent values for female in post-menopausal level mean?
FSH levels in females is high after menopause.
The most common reason for high serum FSH concentration is in a female who is undergoing or has recently undergone menopause.
Lae follicule-stimulatinghormone (FSH) toetsuitslag referent waardes vir kinders
Hoë follicule-stimulatinghormone (FSH) toetsuitslag referent waardes vir kinders
Lae follicule-stimulatinghormone (FSH) toetsuitslag referent waardes vir volwasse man
Hoë follicule-stimulatinghormone (FSH) toetsuitslag referent waardes vir volwasse man
Lae follicule-stimulatinghormone (FSH) toetsuitslag referent waardes vir vroulike in follikulêre fase
Hoë follicule-stimulatinghormone (FSH) toetsuitslag referent waardes vir vroulike in follikulêre fase
Lae follicule-stimulatinghormone (FSH) toetsuitslag referent waardes vir vroulike in ovulasie
Hoë follicule-stimulatinghormone (FSH) toetsuitslag referent waardes vir vroulike in ovulasie
Lae follicule-stimulatinghormone (FSH) toetsuitslag referent waardes vir vroulike in post-menopousale
Follikel-stimulatinghormone (FSH) waardes en definisies
Lae perinuclear anti-neutrofiele sitoplasmiese teenliggaampies (p-Anca) toetsuitslag positief referent waardes
What does low Perinuclear anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic antibodies (p-ANCA) test result positive referent values level mean?
Lae bloeding tyd toetsuitslag referent waardes
What does low Bleeding time test result referent values level mean?
Lae antitrombien toetsuitslag referent waardes
What does low Antithrombin test result referent values level mean?
Lae uriensuur toetsuitslag referent waardes vir manlike
What does low Uric acid test result referent values for male level mean?
Lae anti-fosfolipied LGA toetsuitslag matige positiewe referent waardes
What does low Anti-phospholipid lgA test result moderate positive referent values level mean?
Normale ca19-9 toetsuitslag
What is a value of a normal CA19-9 level?
Hoë anti-fosfolipied LGM toetsuitslag negatief referent waardes
What does high Anti-phospholipid lgM test result negative referent values level mean?
Abnormale prostaat spesifieke antigeen (PSA) vir manlike toetsuitslag
What does elevated value of Prostate specific antigen (PSA) indicate?
Lae anti ds-DNA toetsuitslag negatief referent waardes
What does low Anti ds-DNA test result negative referent values level mean?
Hoë hemoglobien (HB) toetsuitslag referent waardes vir manlike
What does high Hemoglobin (Hb) test result referent values for male level mean?
Lae fosfaat bloedtoets vlak
What does lower than normal phosphate blood test level mean?
Lae follicule-stimulatinghormone (FSH) toetsuitslag referent waardes vir vroulike in follikulêre fase
Wat beteken lae follikel-stimulatinghormone (FSH) toetsuitslag referent waardes vir vroulike in follikulêre fase vlak beteken?
oorblywende Follikel-stimulatinghormone (FSH) verwante toetse :
Tiroïedstimulerende hormoon (TSH of thyrotropin)
Gratis tiroksien (FT4)
totale tiroksien
Gratis triiodothyronine (FT3)
totale triiodothyronine
Tiroglobulien (Tg)
Luteiniserend hormoon (LH)
dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate
Anti-Mülleriaanse hormoon (AMH)
Adrenokortikotrofiese hormoon (ACTH)
Groei hormoon (vas)
Groei hormoon (arginine stimulasie)
Paratiroïedhormoon (PTH)
25-hydroxycholecalciferol (vitamien D) - standaard verwysing reeks
25-hydroxycholecalciferol (vitamien D) -Therapeutic teikenband
Plasma renien aktiwiteit
Aldosteroon-tot-renien verhouding