Hoë HDL cholesterol toetsuitslag vir manlike. What does higher HDL cholesterol test level mean for man?
An HDL of 60 mg/dL and above is considered protective against heart disease.
It is good to have a large amount of HDL in organisam.
Lae HDL cholesterol toetsuitslag vir manlike
Lae HDL cholesterol toetsuitslag vir vroulike
Hoë HDL cholesterol toetsuitslag vir vroulike
HDL cholesterol waardes en definisies
Hoë yster in die bloed toets vir manlike
What does high TSI for men mean?
Hoë anti-fosfolipied LGA toetsuitslag negatief referent waardes
What does high Anti-phospholipid lgA test result negative referent values level mean?
Hoë gamma (GGT) bloedtoets vlak
What does high Gamma glutamyl transferase (GGT) blood test level mean?
Normale carcionembryonic antigeen (CEA) vir roker toetsuitslag
What is a value of a normal Carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) level for smoker?
Lae erytrocytes / rooibloedselle (RBS) toetsuitslag referent waardes vir manlike volwassene
What does low Erythrocytes/Red blood cells (RBC) test result referent values for male adult level mean?
Lae aspartaat transminase (ast / ASAT SGOT) bloedtoets vlak vir manlike
What does low Aspartate transaminase (AST/ASAT SGOT) blood test level mean for man?
Lae sitoplasmiese / klassieke anti-neutrofiele sitoplasmiese teenliggaampies (c-Anca) toetsuitslag positief referent waardes
What does low Cytoplasmic/classical anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic antibodies (c-ANCA) test result positive referent values level mean?
Hoë SHBG toetsuitslag referent waardes vir manlike volwassenes
Wat beteken hoë SHGB toetsuitslag referent waardes vir manlike volwasse vlak beteken?
Lae totale cholesterol toetsuitslag
What does low total cholesterol test level mean?
Hoë SHBG toetsuitslag referent waardes vir vroulike volwassenes
Wat beteken hoë SHGB toetsuitslag referent waardes vir vroulike volwasse vlak beteken?
Lae 25-hydroxycholecalciferol (vitamien d) terapeutiese teikenband toetsuitslag referent waardes
What does low 25-hydroxycholecalciferol (vitamin D)Therapeutic target range test result referent values level mean?
Hoë yster in die bloed toets vir vroue
What does high iron level in blood mean for female?
oorblywende HDL cholesterol verwante toetse :
totale cholesterol
HDL cholesterol wanneer trigliseriede> 5.0 mmol / L
LDL / HDL kwosiënt