Hoë totale cholesterol toetsuitslag. What does elevated Total cholesterol test level mean?
A total cholesterol is used to assess risk for heart disease. It should not be the only indicator, because individual components make total cholesterol reading: LDL, HDL, and VLDL.
High cholesterol damages heart and blood veins. Allthough high total cholesterol can indicate high "good" cholesterol HDL, you should make lifestyle changes and use medications to lower it.
Lae totale cholesterol toetsuitslag
totale cholesterol waardes en definisies
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Wat beteken lae hemoglobien in plasma toetsuitslag referent waardes jou vlak beteken?
oorblywende totale cholesterol verwante toetse :
HDL cholesterol
HDL cholesterol wanneer trigliseriede> 5.0 mmol / L
LDL / HDL kwosiënt