Normale carcionembryonic antigeen (CEA) vir ouer Nie-roker toetsuitslag. What is a value of a normal Carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) level for 75 year old non-smoker?

Upper value of normal Carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) test for 75 year old non-smoker is 4.1μg/L.

Production of CEA usually stops before birth. It is usually present only at very low levels in the blood of healthy adults. But level raises again as the person gets older.

CEA measurement is mainly used as a tumor marker to monitor colorectal carcinoma treatment.


75 jaar oud


Non- smoker

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4.1   -
abnormale e

Normale carcionembryonic antigeen (CEA) vir middeljarige ouderdom Nie-roker toetsuitslag

Abnormale carcionembryonic antigeen (CEA) vir middeljarige ouderdom Nie-roker toetsuitslag

Abnormale carcionembryonic antigeen (CEA) vir ouer Nie-roker toetsuitslag

Normale carcionembryonic antigeen (CEA) vir roker toetsuitslag

Abnormale carcionembryonic antigeen (CEA) vir roker toetsuitslag

Carcinoembryonic antigeen (CEA) waardes en definisies

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