Troponien-t-toets toon miokardiale infarksie waarskynlik. Which Troponin-T test result indicates that myocardial infarction is likely?

Myocardial Infarction likely referent values of troponin-T test are above 1.0 ng/ml or μg/L.

Troponin T is a part of the troponin complex. It is present in human cardiac muscle. Troponin T binds to tropomyosin.

Troponin T concentrations have been associated with the incidence of cardiovascular death and heart failure. The higher the result is, the danger is greater.

| :
0.10   -
ng/ml or μg/L
Miokardinfark waarskynlik

Troponien-t-toets, normale gevolg

Troponien-t-toets, akute koronêre sindroom

Troponien-T waardes en definisies

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