Lae geïoniseerd kalsium in die bloed toets. What does low ionized calcium mean?
Ionized calcium is calcium that is freely flowing in your blood and not attached to proteins. It is also called free calcium.
Trauma patients with low levels of ionized calcium at admission were at increased risk for death and coagulopathies and were more likely to need massive transfusions, compared with patients with normal physiologic levels. Low ionized calcium levels are associated with hypotension and predict mortality.
Hoë geïoniseerd kalsium
Geïoniseerde kalsium (Ca) waardes en definisies
Hoë anti-aa-n (ro) toetsuitslag positief referent waardes
What does high Anti-SS-A (Ro) test result positive referent values level mean?
Lae sink bloedtoets vlak
What does zinc deficiency mean?
Lae c-reative proteïen (CRP) toetsuitslag referent waardes
What does low C-reactive protein (CRP)test result referent values level mean?
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What does low estradiol test result referent values for female in follicular phase level mean?
Lae anti-aa-b (la) toetsuitslag negatief referent waardes
What does low Anti-SS-B (La) test result negative referent values level mean?
Hoë laktaat (veneuse) toetsuitslag referent waardes
What does high Lactate (Venous) test result referent values level mean?
Lae anti-citrullinated proteïen teenliggaampies toets resultaat matige positiewe referent waardes
Wat beteken lae Anti-citrullinated proteïen teenliggaampies toets resultaat matige positiewe referent waardes jou vlak beteken?
Hoë testosteroon toetsuitslag referent waardes vir manlike
What does high testosterone test result referent values for male level mean?
Hoë albumien bloedtoets vlak
What does high albumin level in blood mean?
Hoë direkte / gekonjugeerde bilirubien bloedtoets vlak
What does high direct/conjugated bilirubin level in blood mean?
Normale alfa fetoproteïen (AFP) toetsuitslag
What is a value of a normal Alpha Fetoprotein (AFP) level?
Hoë vroulike kreatien kinase (k) bloedtoets vlak
What does elevated Creatine kinase (CK) blood test level mean for woman?
oorblywende Geïoniseerde kalsium (Ca) verwante toetse :
Natrium (Na)
Kalium (K)
Chloried (Cl)
Totale kalsium (Ca)
Totale serum yster (TSI)
Totale yster-bindende kapasiteit (TIBC)
transferrien versadigingspunt
Fosfaat (HPO42-)
Anorganiese fosfor (serum)
Sink (Zn)